Difference between Hard Drives and Solid State Drive
Comparing Solid State Drives and Hard Drives:
Differences between the two types of storage drives.
Hard Drive:
Hard Disk Drives(HDD) use a magnetic disk that rotates in order to access and store data. The rate at which the disk rotates dictates how quickly data can be retrieved. HDDs have been used for years, making them a proven and dependable storage system. As manufacturers have continued to improve the durability and capacity of HDDs, the primary downside is their restricted speed of reading and writing data, along with generating more heat than other drives.
Solid State Drives:
SSDs (Solid State Drives) are built on Flash technology, with millions of memory cells that can transition between binary states to keep data. Unlike HDDs that contain a spinning disk, SSDs can access data without this, which means faster read & write speeds and less heat generation.
Other Considerations:
Given their extended period of usage, Hard Drives have seen a number of advancements that give them two significant benefits:
Cost. Although SSDs have decreased in price, they still cost more per GB than Hard Drives.
Hard Drives still offer higher storage capacities than Solid State Drives,the difference in price becomes more apparent with larger sizes.